Instruction Videos for MRF Web
Melbourne Rapid Fields Getting Started for Doctors
Melbourne Rapid Fields Getting Started for Patients
How to sign in
How to register a new MRF user account
Add a new patient account
Finding a patient
Start MRF Vision testing and Screen Calibration
Performing Visual Acuity Testing with Near Vision Correction
Performing MRF Visual Field testing and saving results
Display account credit usage
Edit profile and Settings
Editing Medications List and set medication reminder
Telehealth related
Generating Clinic/Doctor code for Telehealth
Creating a URL for patient to access MRF Telehealth
How patients can login to Telehealth using a generated URL link
How patients can login to Telehealth without a generated URL link
How to specify the types of tests performed by patients on Telehealth
GLANCE optical (tm)